The contextual and exponential future of Facebook.
Its not context as that is what Google does currently or any large data-web services combination such as Facebook. Its also what GUI designers hoped for way back in the 1990s such as Kai Krause with KPT and Bryce.
Kai Krause always started with a mind phrase-logy before exploring new designs, for some measure of that see this or just a biref sample:
A whole wave of blogs and such have popped up again in recent weeks, asking the perfectly reasonable question "Dang, what is that Kai guy up to...? "
But I didn't disappear - I am right here :)
It is the public that disappeared from my rear view mirror.
But I didn't disappear - I am right here :)
It is the public that disappeared from my rear view mirror.
Notice that the mind phrase-logy expresses turning out of logic in looking at something. Its the same looking outside form inside or inside looking outside when everyone is doing it the opposite way you encounter in Zen Koans.
The difference between a Google text search and a Facebook text search is Google is matching a context against a present context activity of a user. Facebook is matching a context against a past user activity. Guess which mobile is? its present context activities.
The mobile future in UI and application design is matching a users current activity context to the application displayed and enabled features. This is why geo-location ads have not taken off as of yet due to them not matching current context activities of mobile users but past context of mobile users.
Mind phrase wise, Google search is:
Mobile I intend to go where
Facebook search is:
Mobile we did go where yesterday
Whereas the future of mobile is:
Mobile I am going here
Vastly different than what Scobble tried to describe and failed. My mind phrasing puts it as predicting what I am currently viewing through the eye of a needle looking at a galaxy of stars. Not as beautiful as Ka Krause's words but you get the point.
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